Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Snowflake X-Mass Ornament

I created a Snowflake X-Mass Tree Ornament a while back and posted it up to Thingiverse.

Pretty much immediately someone in the Ohio and the UK printed out the object. It's kind of nice seeing one of your designs being used half way across the world in a matter of hours.

Today a picture of someones printout of the design ended up on the Makerbot Blog and Make Magazine Blog (snowflake on lower left).

This is really great since my 3d printer has been down for the last few weeks. I've got parts on order so it should hopefully be functional again sometime this week. In the meantime I'll have to settle with the knowledge that other people are enjoying my designs.


[UPDATE 12/11/09]
looks like a link to this item made the Makerbot blog again with Bre Pettis using it for "Skeinforge Battle". Since it prints out fairly quickly you can compare iterations to check your Skeinforge settings (and hang all on your x-mass tree).

Maybe this will end up being the most printed item on Thingiverse other than 608 pulleys?